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MTB receives the 20th ICAB National Award for Best Presented Annual Report 2019

Mutual Trust Bank Limited (MTB) has recently been awarded the Best Presented Annual Report-2019 (Joint 3rd position) in the Private Sector Banks category and Certificate of Merit in the Integrated Reporting category by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB). The award was handed over at a ceremony held on November 26, 2020 at a local hotel in the capital at which Syed Rafiqul Haq, Additional Managing Director & CBO, MTB received the award on behalf of the bank from Tipu Munshi, MP, Honourable Commerce Minister, the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The other senior officials of the bank were also present during the event.

This award will serve as a boost in MTB’s efforts to add value in good corporate governance at the bank.

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